Proposed Trump U.S. Department of Labor Rules would privatize Apprenticeship programs, eliminate Labor’s role

You have until Monday, August 26, 2019, to comment on the proposed rules and let the Trump administration know that you object to the rule change to privatize apprenticeships.

The following link will take you to the Federal Register and a link to submit your comments: 

If you read the very lengthy rules document carefully, you will find hidden in the language the plan to use the Trump University model for apprenticeship training. It also would eliminate funding for the states tried and true cooperative Labor/Management programs that lead to family wage jobs. Currently, about 10,000 Oregonians are enrolled in these types of programs.

Use the link provided to say you object to these rules which would privatize the best workforce program in the nation by:

  • Eliminating safeguards for apprenticeship training programs

  • Providing no requirements for employers to adhere to quality standards

  • Using public money with no oversight

If these rules are approved the result will be more corporate welfare being offered by the Trump Administration and their Republican counterparts with our tax dollars.

Here’s a sample comment:

"What this rule is proposing is For-Profit, Industry Run Apprenticeship programs with no obligation to assure that enrollees will actually have the established apprenticeship certification that leads to family wage jobs. In addition, these for-profit programs would have no obligation to meet current state labor standards for apprenticeship programs. Therefore, I oppose implementation of these rules as proposed and urge the Department of Labor to support a robust national registered apprenticeship system run in a partnership with the U.S. Department of Labor  and the states which is a tried and true pathway to the middle class for blue collar workers."

Submit your objections by Monday, August 26 at:

- All of us at Onward Oregon

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