X-RAY and Onward Oregon

Partners in keeping Oregonians informed and independent

 Portland Needs to Act on Its 100% Renewable Resolution

Two years ago the City of Portland passed a resolution to transition to 100% renewable energy, with fantastic public support. Thank you to everyone who sent a comment on this proposal,  showed up to rallies, and testified at City Hall. Unfortunately we’re not seeing Portland take the steps necessary to be 100% renewable in electricity by 2035 and 100% for all energy by 2050. Tell the City Council we need to hear from them as to how we’re going to achieve these goals.

Across the U.S. over 90 cities, more than ten counties and two states, have already adopted ambitious 100% clean energy goals. Six cities in the U.S.--Aspen, Burlington, Georgetown, Greensburg, Rockport, and Kodiak Island--have already hit their targets. These six cities now generate 100% of the energy used community-wide from clean, non-polluting and renewable sources. A city commitment to 100% renewable energy is a mandate for action. We need to hear the City’s Action Plan.

Major cities such as San Francisco, New York, Minneapolis, Vancouver and others are taking bold steps to be 100% renewable. 

Ask the City Council to take bold leadership to be 100% renewable.

- All of us at Onward Oregon

Onward Oregon
2580 NE 31st Ave  | Portland, Oregon 97212
5031111111 | the_team@onwardoregon.org

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